Attach v1.0 by MarK ( 18.5.2003 This small piece of software is a shell command, which allows You to copy large files with no fear of interupting the copying process... When You interupt the copy loop (by Ctrl+C), You can simply continue with copying later by exactly the same command. In these days this tool isn't very usefull, but in times, when I had an Amiga, it was very time cunsuming stuff to copy, say a single CD iso image... with a normal IDE HDD, it took about 15-20 minutes to copy the whole iso... And with this tool, I could start copying and finish it later... It can also be used, when You copy a file and there isn't enough space, You can free some space and continue the copying later... Just try that, it's simple... with VERBOSE option You can also watch the progress of copying and the speed... Enjoy! MarK^TBS.